Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Top 10 Most Unappealing Drink Names

  1. Hobo Bile

I don’t quite know the recipe, but it’s yellow.

  1. Bloody Tampon.

Do you really want to know what’s in it? Alright. I warned you. Tomato juice and vodka with a rolled-up napkin soaking in it. You have to suck on the napkin and then take the shot."

  1. Horse’s Ass

This one is easy – Ginger Ale and Soda Water, it’s not alcoholic

  1. Panty Dropper

That depends on what size your lady is. Some ladies shouldn’t undress, if you know what I mean. Write down the recipe - 1 oz Kahlua: add 1 oz Sloe Gin: fill glass to top with half and half. Popular in Seattle

  1. Octapussy

* Ice cubes

* 1 oz Sour Apple Pucker

* 1 oz Sloe gin

* 1 oz Triple sec

* 1/2 oz Amaretto

* 1 1/2 oz Orange juice

* 1 1/2 oz Sour mix

  1. Alligator Piss

You know you want it.

* 1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur

* 1/3 oz Peach schnapps

* 1/3 oz Southern Comfort

* 1/3 oz Amaretto

* 1 splash Sweet and sour

  1. Asthma Attack

* 1/2 oz Everclear

* 1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum

* 1/2 oz Razzmatazz

* 1 oz Amaretto

  1. Blood Of Satan

* 1 part Jägermeister

* 1 part Goldschlager

* 1 part Irish whiskey (Jameson's)

* 1 part Jack Daniels

  1. Melonoma

* 1 oz Vodka

* 1/2 oz Melon liqueur

10. Lewd Lewinsky

* 1/2 oz Jägermeister

* 1/2 oz Cream